Home Church is here to let you know, that you're always welcome Home.

The love of Jesus will never exclude anyone.

We invite you to join with us in sharing that Love.

Home is a place where you're always Welcome.

Service times: Sunday 10am coffee and fellowship 10:30am service, Wednesday 7pm service.

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About Home Church

You're always welcome Home. The love of Jesus never excludes anyone. We would Love for you to join us in experiencing that Love.

“Home is a shelter from storms-all sorts of storms.” - William J. Bennett

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What to Expect

Sunday is coming and we don’t want any unanswered questions holding you back from experiencing worship with Home Church! Clear is kind, so let us put your mind at ease: 

Dress Code: Yes, please wear clothing! Everyone’s Sunday best looks different just bring yours to worship.

Children: What if my baby cries or my toddler is active? We love children at Home Church and those crying and active babies are beautiful. They will not bother a soul! We do have Sunday School for the kids.

Worship: It is deemed appropriate and in order to raise your hand, say Amen and Hallelujah in agreement with the preached message and in praise and worship. It’s encouraged even, God inhabits the praises of his people so we will praise him with a song and dance. 

Prayer languages: The Spirit of God is alive and active at Home Church according to the promise in Acts 2. 

Come ready expecting to hear from the Lord, expecting a miracle, come with anticipation for what God can do in your life!

Don’t let anything hold you back! We can’t wait to see you, meet you, and worship with you!

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Let's Connect

403 S. Bosque, Suite 8

Whitney, TX 76692

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